Saturday, April 26, 2008

Point of diminish in power plant reached?

Remember back in the 90s where the game SimCity was a hit? Nearly every friend I knew played or heard this game. From there the objective of the game is to flourish your kampung into a pekan, then into bandar and then city or metropolitan. Simple as that. However to achieve that, one need to roll out the proper street, designate the proper zone and the main thing is to build the right power plant for your people. That was how I perceive power plant technology in my early days of life, and had been following that concept ever since.

There was always
  • coal, the dirtiest SOB piece of crap in the game where it automatically brings your pollution to level 3, followed by
  • natural gas (environment ok but expensive),
  • hydro (great if you have a Niagara fall near your city),
  • solar (high maintenance),
  • wind turbines (need alot and low output kW),
  • Nuclear (risk radiation, high output kW),
  • Microwave and
  • Fusion power plant
Currently I would say we're around the Nuclear region as the developed country had them and there are no 'more advanced' power plant around that I knew of.

However, latest news from US shows they are back to explore clean coal, Europe is also into coal, and of course Russia also likes coal now as there is no demand on their nuclear waste (e.g. Plutonium). So technically we're going back to coal, and this made the PC game Simcity, the board game Power Grid, and even many sci-fi movie obsolete.

Well that's a start, as gas and oil is reaching a record high price (USD118 per barrel as of now), all fossil power plant project had been switched to the coal, rather than oil or gas. So basically environment will get screwed anyway. I don't know the footprint involved but I can bet for every 10 person who strictly adhere to greenpeace advise, just 1 person who is poor and drive a 1985 Toyota Crown diesel will just offset the pollution made. Imagine what 5 coal plant will do.

I am not a green person, just wondering why the fuss on the Earth day, global warming and greenpeace are all about. The effort is being screwed by politician and government in just a few implementation, and someone need to fix the concept of technology on power plant.

Friday, April 25, 2008

TiBuN - 1 Kitten - 0

My working place got a bitch cat, who pops out a couple of kitten few months back, now the kittens are quite grown up, but not as grown as you'd think coz I saw them sucking their mum's nipple still...
Anyway yesterday saw that there was this cat sleeping on top of my sunroof, my evil conscious manage to convince me to remove that blissful creature from my car and that's what I did, I shoo the cat out from the top of my car. It did take quite a few attempt as the creature was apparently not used to human threat.

So was back to the canteen in a jiffy and continued my terrific company dinner. 15 minutes later, I had packed my stuff and begin to drive my car out towards the guard house, halfway there, there was a sudden thud on my rear left tyre, and a glance at the side mirror saw a kitten zooming pass, a further check on the rear view mirror saw a cat dancing macarena and kapuera high in the air.

Feeling guilty for what I did, I was thinking of reducing its pain by reversing and settle the break dance once and for all, but I didn't... maybe I don't have the guts or the will to really do it. Any how after the security clearance check I continued driving with something else already on my head.

Fast forward to this morning, a colleague claimed she saw the incident and brand me cruel... and it hit me, why am I cruel? I did nothing wrong as I was driving under the speed limit and was very awake, apparently the cat came from my right and run under my car in between the front and rear wheel, there is no way I was able to see it coming as a courteous driver always put his eyes on the front, 2 of the cats made it through (racing across my car) while this poor kitten didn't. I guess this is nature's selection at work and the weak was removed from the world (apparently the cat failed to judge speed and distance, and are bad in sprinting)

Today when I go back, I saw the mum and her remaining kitten, sitting in the middle of the road there blissfully enjoying sunset. When I walk passed the bitch somemore meow at me friendlily, I don't think she even know I killed her children yesterday.

Nature had a funny way of controlling population, just create failure and they will fail itself eventually. Human on the other hand are more resistant to death, the incapable ones will have additional benefit, wider protection coverage and life made easier than normal...etc. So its basically human defy nature, and sooner or later they will pay. Lets just hope its not my generation who suffer the effect