Thursday, December 21, 2006

Too much demand

Human is a very bitchy species, you give them 10 cents, they ask for 1 dollar, you give them tiger prawn, they ask for abalone... the chinese got a proverb called "得寸进尺", which literally means give them an inch and they ask for a feet (measurement).

Lets start a story of company "M", it's a pioneer company, set in the peaceful Industrial Area, overseeing a tranquil river lake. Company initially subsidizing RM1.50 per meal but the employee complaint that the food sux (because these people previously had the luxury of choosing 8 different caterer, now it's down to 1 and they complain the food is monotonous and sux).

OK loh, management understand the plight, requested a reformation of caterer...

1 month later, a new caterer came in, it's from an established source and the food is 2 fold better than previous caterer. And yet employees complain that despite the good food, it's expensive and lack depth (whatever that means). Management listen to them, discussed with big big boss and reform the caterer again....

This time in the form of FREE food from morning till afternoon, all the way until the night. Give a special instruction to the caterer to serve only 'nutritious food'. It's by far the best food benefit in the region, and yet today, I heard this complaint...

"Aiyo, today I didn't finish my food... give so much to eat, sure will get fat 1 lahh, die loh, will die of diabetes and heart disease loh..."
"This Marigold juice drink no good 1, less vitamins compare to xxx...."

I don't know really how is it to feed human and to make them happy, if so bad then just go OUT and eat lah, yet these bunch of stingy kiasu people eat EVERYDAY inside the cafeteria, and they won't stop complaining....

How lah you tell me?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

1st Bad Encounter with my neighbour

Tonite mark the night of my first encounter with a bastard neighbour. To make it short it was 10:30pm at night and my parents are driving my car back to BM, along with KY who joined us for dinner. While on the way out of my residential compound, there was a tight road where cars parked both sides and only 1 car is allowed to pass (no problem to me cause I understand we indeed have not many places to park our cars).

So KY move out first, with my dad driving behind, I was about to walk back and then I saw another car coming from the opposite direction, causing a deadlock where no car could move either way, thought of help smoothen the traffic flow, I asked the opposing car (Camry) to goto the side so that my dad can pass through.

Picture paint a thousand words

I politely ask him to goto the side so that the deto can overtake KY's car and lead the way back, but that fellow wind down the window, and said:

"Eh, that guy goto the side lah, I have no problem waiting here the whole night, as I already reached my house d (made some finger movement which I could not identify due to the night)"

This I quote 100%, no added spice or whatsoever. Then my dad, tired of the commotion, squeeze into the small space on the left to let that sunnavabiatch CB PKM KNS KLK Camry passed. Just so to prove his victory, he wind down his window while passing the red charade... Nia ma, what he try to do? If he say or threaten my dad, I don't know what I'll do to that bastard (or his car)...

Then I go home, pondering the incident, which I concluded that BOTH sides can actually give way and we can live a muhibbah life. But what I despise is the fucking way the bastard act. Like he drive a bloody Camry he can own the world like that. I dowan to disclose his race or ethic group here cause I dowan to be charge with discrimination, but what I can say is his skin is massively darker in colour compare to malay, and have foul body odour.

Dei macha, if you think you can be lansi and own the road because u're rich and drive a big car, then you're wrong! Fucking bastard. Your 16" Goodyear tyre will still cost you RM180 per piece you fricking moron.

Having said that, I remember Jeebs told me b4 the *ahem*Indian*cough* in our residential area are pretty similar in style. I wonder whether I will see more of these....

Monday, December 11, 2006

My webdota no more banned :)

Phew, luckily after some luck my account was released from the banned list. So no more hoo-haa over the incident. The morale of the story is be a good boy, ignorant is bliss and it's OK if you multi but don't use the same password for both accounts.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My webdota got banned

I have been wasting my precious brain power to overcome some of the hardest online web game for the past few days, thanks to my friend Jeebs who introduced me this game and Neebs who play along and we joint a clan and was happily wasting turns and mana....

[10:30am] I was happily playing my ranked 160 webdota using my beloved Ogre Mage.
[10:31am] Need to goto production line to show the vendor the piece of equipment to be fabricated.
[10:46am] After hastily show the vendor the site, wanted to quickly return to office coz I may have died after leaving my hero alone for so long
[10:48am] On the way to office, colleague pull me in for spec. update
[11:45am] Time off, check webdota from the lab...
o.o WTF!

It means either I kena ban, or someone had banned me from the game (if you can read english it basically meant that). Not sure whether this is a dream or not, I go and check out the ban list as the page suggested, what I saw sealed my doom and any hope within it.

Shit, my account, my FirstLove... gone, forever imprinted in the banned list. Then I scrolled down in hope for... confirmation

Life can not get anymore shitter than this.

Basically no web-dota for me for the rest of my life as both my email has been banned.
Cannot believe my luck, apparently the reason I got ban is because I multi (whatever that means)