Thursday, December 07, 2006

My webdota got banned

I have been wasting my precious brain power to overcome some of the hardest online web game for the past few days, thanks to my friend Jeebs who introduced me this game and Neebs who play along and we joint a clan and was happily wasting turns and mana....

[10:30am] I was happily playing my ranked 160 webdota using my beloved Ogre Mage.
[10:31am] Need to goto production line to show the vendor the piece of equipment to be fabricated.
[10:46am] After hastily show the vendor the site, wanted to quickly return to office coz I may have died after leaving my hero alone for so long
[10:48am] On the way to office, colleague pull me in for spec. update
[11:45am] Time off, check webdota from the lab...
o.o WTF!

It means either I kena ban, or someone had banned me from the game (if you can read english it basically meant that). Not sure whether this is a dream or not, I go and check out the ban list as the page suggested, what I saw sealed my doom and any hope within it.

Shit, my account, my FirstLove... gone, forever imprinted in the banned list. Then I scrolled down in hope for... confirmation

Life can not get anymore shitter than this.

Basically no web-dota for me for the rest of my life as both my email has been banned.
Cannot believe my luck, apparently the reason I got ban is because I multi (whatever that means)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what round that happens? will not get banned if u didnt make any thing that against the rule