Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas and New Year celebration

Lately alot of holidays, WW51 and WW52 were great in terms of vacation and relaxation. Well, not exactly but it sure beat the 5 days working week. Had cleared up most part of my mind, and prepare to project myself over to the new year. Technically only 1 resolution which is to increase my job prospect this year. The plans were generally ready and will wait for end February / Early March to initialize.
Lately my financial is reseting back to my early working days... sad. In few months time, I may no longer live my outrageous life :) Guess this is the price to pay when you grow older *crap*
Here's some of the holiday pictures I took during our shopping trip during Christmas time with my gal.

Duo picture at Mid Valley if I'm not mistaken.

New year time at Kek Lok Si.

Happy New Year everyone!

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