Tuesday, February 27, 2007

TiBuN is a fruit, not a vegetable!!!

TiBuN = Hokkien for cucumber.

" The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, and in the same genus as the muskmelon. - Quote wiki"
"Q: Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable?
A: It is technically a fruit. From a botanical perspective, a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant, such as an apple, melon, cucumber, or tomato. From the common, every day "grocery store perspective," we tend to use the word fruit with respect to fruits eaten fresh as desserts - apples, peaches, cherries, etc. - and not to items cooked or used in salads. So, cucumbers tend to be lumped in with vegetables because of the way they are used (cooked and in salads), but botanists will call them fruits because they develop from the reproductive structures of plants. - Quote Cucumber facts by Cornell Department of Horticulture"

So this topic has been reiterated for the gazillion times and will be remain the controversial until the global ministry of education include this statement inside all national syllabus. Having said that, the reason I wish tibun to be classify as fruit because generically fruit will enjoy a better reputation than vegetable.

Because fruit is a luxury, vegetable is a common item and therefore is cheaper. Fruit enjoy the status of king's snack while vegetable is just a culinary you eat along with your main dish. Having said that, I just want cucumber to be on par with strawberry and lychi, instead of crap brocolli and cabbage :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Financial deadlock

The most important education that I believe we should receive during school and college time is 'finance study' or 'money and you'. How often do people earn a $1000 dollar, only to find out that his/her expenditure is $980 at the end of the month? This is mainly due to bad planning and poor financial grasp of reality, which again attributed to the lack of course and lessons we had in school in our early days.

As bad as it can be, a poor planning would virtully mean you've screwed your whole month activities, and waiting for a turnaround next month. This kind of thinking and scenario plagued alot of new entry employees around the world and as most of the motivation book mentioned "the rich will not teach everyone the secret towards wealth", hence we have alot of these people around.

So how to save money? If you earn RM1K and spent RM999 type of guy, when only you will save enough for that Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-SPEC NurII? When only will you have enough money to run your marriage ceremony at E&O hotel with 100 tables? Guess the answer to this question is breakthrough...

One will need good discipline, high amount of trust, and strong commitment to make the leap of faith.... one which I'm not prepared to do just yet.

So it's back to Maggie mee and 60km/h kind of lifestyle for now.

It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes

eather had been ridiculously hot lately, with temperature reported at 37degC and humidity at 52% RH on the afternoon on this part of the world, I don't know how can one survive without air conditioning. Can't really go out that much under this condition, the only thing good is that wax and polishing of your car will be pretty effective.

I hate hot days on weekends.