Sunday, April 01, 2007

Quality my arse

Haven't been blogging for months already, not because I'm lazy but because I don't have enough time and accessibility to internet to online and post.... OK, maybe I'm lazy but the main reason I lack of the mood to blog is because of the amount of stamina my work is extorting on me.

Maybe I ought to say that my company is facing one of its greatest joke of its history, 3 same quality incident over the past 1 month. THREE!!! Very pathetic, I wonder how the customer really think about it, kena then kena then kena again, over and over.... if people slap you then say sorry, tomorrow slap you again then apologize, then the very next day slap you AGAIN.... fooohh....

It all started because of escapee in the production, coupled with QA failure to screen it out in their normal screening method, even the big boss cannot take this kind of crap.

So that leaves all the engineers working day and night for the containment and corrective action, plus with the micro-management style imposed due to the 'impotency' nature of our management, we were left with very little time and strength to focus on others. Come to think of it, I am still playing FFXII in my PS2 (after 2 months), WoW still level 35 (after 1 month) and the last time I really spend time with my gal was like 2 months ago.... this is ridiculous, never met into such dark age before.

Well for what's worth, I think I need to learn how to improvise my working attitude and method, if you keep fire-fighting in your work for a long duration of time without any sign of improvement, then it's either:

  • You're useless, or
  • You need to expose to some other elements for upgrade (whether mind or physical)

Coz I am pretty sure I'm not the former, I would have to really make effort to make the later came true. Maybe I should make a resolution that I will never put myself in such a dangerous position ever again in my life. At least Monday is a holiday, as much as I want to rest my spirit and soul this weekend, I can't help but think of what dreaded situation will I face when I go to work Tuesday, well, can always worry about that later. I need my much needed rest this weekend.




Off to my beauty sleep!

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