Thursday, October 04, 2007

Perception of mother land

Do you have the respect you expected from your workplace? Do your ring of peers acknowledge your level and give you the honor and listen to you the way you deserve? Respect has been a main attribute to shape the world we have today, every developed nation fight their way to obtain their success WWII started because after Germany signed the Versailles treaty, the alliance pact implemented restriction and try to subjugate the country, being a nation of people who think they are the ‘ultimate people’, they lost the thing that they once have – respect. So with that they try to win it back by launching WWII, a war that went wrong in the middle of the course but what is important is the reason for them to launch the war – To reclaim their honor and respect.
Japan got their respect when they have workers dedicated to their job and future, by bringing a nation that have taken 2 nuclear blast at their home soil, not to mention losing the war, only to bring it back to full industrial strength in less than 30 years. We have South Korea coming up the radar of respect, with 50 years ago, ranked 1st as the poorest country in Asia after suffering a long war with North Korea. Not anymore after they have achieved world recognition in car making, shipbuilding & electronics.

In order to get respect, the people of the nation itself must also feel proud of themself first, but sadly we aren’t. If we take a survey, there is a high percentage that the Chinese of this country is the most degenerated among Asia region, lets take Singapore for example, they have a very screwed up mentality and they are slave to credit card, just like Taiwan, but they live a couple of standards higher than majority of us, that makes them feel superior and indirectly they seemed to made more contribution to the world. This might be a fucked up way of seeing it but we can’t deny its true. We might be happy with a RM3k a month salary but people in the world are already working towards RM30k a month.

So despite all the crap, why are we still here in this fvcked up country? Alot of concerns apparently, most were still here because:
  • they believe out there, you'll be treated as 3rd tier citizen
  • we have a commitment to our family here in our mother land
  • naturally changes are unwelcomed as it disrupt the status quo of an already functioning system
  • the items we gain here is enough to bring us through till old age
  • they afraid its difficult to get a job out there if they leave their company here
  • they never ponder the possibility of leaving

If we look through our history, we can see that chinese is one that does not dare to take the big leap. Ever since we got forced to smoke those damn heroin i guess.

Therefore the future of our mother land is at our hand, do I see a future with it? Do I feel proud of it able to walk in space and crap? Seriously... nope. But maybe I'll let the next generation to worry about that.

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