Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Whose war is it?

Biggest world news this week, Israel launched ground assault on Gaza strip, on top of the aerial bombardment the week before... why Israel so tulan? Its because after a 6 months cease-fire, Hamas militant in the Gaza strip region decided to launch a couple of rockets into Israel land just before new year, thus provoking the Jewish country to retaliate with Israel's justification on stopping further rockets attack on their home soil.

Normally I don't give a shit who is right and who is wrong, as the fact that this is a long time dispute between Israel and the Islamic controlled region, right or wrong cannot be determined with a single action. However, what pisses me off is the way the world responds towards this incident...

- We have tons of people all around the world (Islamic people to be exact) protesting in front of embassy, capitol city and where ever they could gather
- Then we have politician and leaders from Islam oriented countries that condemn Israel's action...
- We have leaders rallying the people to boikot US made product
- Some other leaders passing memorandum around to try convince that Israel's action is wrong

All these are against Israel's retaliation, as they claim that its cruel and non-humanitarian.
R-i-g-h-t.... so attacking a nation is inhuman as it kills innocent civilian and destroys infrastructure needed to support lifeform, BUT launching non guided rockets at Israel is OK? Just because Hamas believe that Israel's current occupation is illegal, and hence they try to launch rockets to try to evict and hopefully eliminate the existence of Israel.... Seriously man, WTF!

Way to go Hamas team! No wonder you are getting your ass kicked by AH-64 and M1A1 Abraham, and yes, they do have guided missiles and computer assisted targeting system.... Seriously if these people think that violence is the way to solve problem, amid technological advantage on the opposition, they are plain stupid, and for all the people who support the Islamic side, it shows you aren't very objective on the matter either. But then again, religion is everything in this part of the galaxy....

If you are living in a neighbourhood with a group of ppl beh siok you, so you cut your land and give it to them, say that they could stay there, its their land, but I build tall fence, control the traffic to your neighbour.... its ok right? Didn't violate any law, civilization has been proven again and again that culturally strong nation will control the flow.... Then later your neighbour throw stones at your yard from their plot, you slap them, they slap you.... then through mediator a ceasefire was agreed upon. But after the expiry of ceasefire, the neighbour AGAIN throw stones into your yard, this time you see the stone are deadlier and with the message "tiew you" on it.... if you are the owner on the receiving end, you tulan or not?

Technically I would bring out my best arsenal and dish it out at my neighbour, not only to protect the family but also to maintain sovereign over my piece of land. Let see how this gonna end on both side...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this war will only bring more devastation to the world... Over zealous religious fanatics are making themselves look bad... tiew them for good!!!