Sunday, February 22, 2009

Transplant: Holes and fittting simulation

This week my engine bay are beaten the hell out of it to make way for all the components, air cond and radiator. It looked pretty much like a junk crap right now with all the welding and spot mark (wait, it is a junk!)....

Practically alot of knocking and welding happening, I hope there is not much leaking going on once it gets assembled later.

Someone left a practical joke at my screen, the original joke was placed on the owner of the workshop - Shidi, coz his car is a 4WD Charade, they placed a "This car is for jungle only"....

Then they decided to make it big and tag every car inside the workshop, lame :P

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bloody mosquitoes

I'm not sure what is exactly happening in the world today but there is an apparent increase in the number of mosquitoes encounter at night, both in Halaman and BM. Normally I wouldn't give a shit as I am pretty generous when giving out blood for these suckers who only able to enjoy life in just barely over a week, but what really pisses me off is that they are so many that I am beginning to get awake from my beauty sleep and that will affect my work and mood.

The past week, I've been trying to source some device besides the useless mosquito repellent oil, and I'm trying to avoid using the pungent smell from the mosquito coil. Actually I'm thinking of a mosquito zapper but so far I haven't been able to source a good ones... The ones sold in JJ was not really of a good quality, sigh...

The only thing that I could do right now is wake up, sit still and wait for them to invade my airspace, then kill about 5 to 7 of them, had a few hours of peace time before the next wave of their comrades come avenging their dead brothers... Its getting so repetitive I swear this is god's way of pissing me off and forcing me to figure out an end game weapon.

Having said that, I still left the mosquito oil ON at night and pray at night that all those bastards will contact severe accute blood poisoning after sucking my blood... Yes, I am vulnerable to the attacks and I can do nothing about it except swearing.

Transplant: Mounting ready

Having 2 Deto on a G100 gave me the impression that transplant is simple and easy, however... if the engines are from a different make, a tedious process of calibrating and alignment should occurred (at least for those who wanted to ensure a more balanced configuration in the engine compartment.

Seen here is the alignment process before placing the mounting on the chassis, the engine upon placement should be levelled so that the driveshaft will not be overly stressed when the car is landed on the ground, something that I am not aware when doing a transplant.

Basically thats whats going on for the past 1 week, nothing more except placing the brakes on the front wheel. Speaking of brakes, the new 4E brake caliper are way larger and cooler than the original charade...
Well just hope they don't jam when its on the road... Still remember there was once my old front disc brake jammed on the road for like 0.2 seconds and it caused the car to swell to the left... upon investigation it shows the single pot disc brake could jam on the cylinder due to no maintenance, definately one thing I need to do a preventive maintenance on when this car is put on the road later...

Now that the dashboard has been taken out, lets hope there will be some superlon be place on the firewall to prevent the noise from coming in... another thing to work on is seal any un-used hole in the firewall area to prevent unwanted odour from coming in, guess that will be the auxilliary project when working on the mounting.

Now that I figure out the timeline, by the time the car will be out on the road, my production will be starting to run and I have to work extensive hour in the day... that means the reliability assessment and trial on the road will have to be carefully planned and balanced, talk about work balance... Probably will be under alot of stress when it happen. Sigh, what a good timing.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Transplant: Halfcut mari

Sometimes you do wonder is it worth changing the heart of an old patient... Its just like Dr. House usually finds it hard to find a donor for his superbly sick patient and especially so when Dr. Cuddy refuse to let his patient on the donor list citing too old.

Anyway, I had decided to go ahead and do a transplant for my old pathetic car, with the reason that I want to have a daily driven car to go work, it has to be:
- Small and zippy
- Soft on the petrol
- Cold air cond
- Low maintenance

My old engine currently only able to fulfill the first 2 criterias, while leaving the remaining 2 in limbo ever since day 1. So I guess this time the downgrade from 1600cc to 1300 will be good a good move.

So I will be starting a chronological update on the progress of the transplant... on 7th February 2009, Shidi found another halfcut at Ibahraki and we went to inspect the condition, the engine started nicely and stable ignition, electronics seem to be still functioning and air cond is not responding, suspect freon gas had leaked, its a risk worth taking as the condensor and air cond indicator are still functioning. It comes with Blitz BOV and Apex'i open pod filter, which I think will reduce the subsequent task for its improvement...

So today was officially the day my car got warded into the workshop at BM, waiting for the half cut to arrive really made me feel like back in the old days where we children wait for the ais cream uncle to come to our house at noon, heheh. So when the bloody thing arrive, it was hoist with a crane and place side by side in front of my car, then for the next month or so, it will sit in the warehouse quietly doing the transplant there. After settle the remaining balance of the halfcut, the lorry guy went off and the guys at the workshop prepared the layout and everything...

After everything is done, the workshop closed business of the day at 1pm (because its holiday today for replacement on Thaipussam)... Thats all for the update.

Note: My dad is trying to sell off his Ford right now coz needed to increase 'cash on hand', anyone reading that is interested with a 2002 Ford Lynx 1.6 (M), kindly drop me a message, I just hope the car will be here for another 2 months or else I will be forced to 'borrow' Amy's car and leave her carless .... heheh
Stay tuned for the next update!

CNY 2009

This year's CNY was nice, just like any other year. Except for the fact that this year I took a 1 week leave off and manage to spend a lot of days at KL, Malacca and at home. The full coverage is being done at Michie's blog ...

Hehe, I am getting lazy lately...

Outdated: New Year 2009

This year's new year is a lonely threesome at Jeebs place between Heebs, Jeebs and I. There is nothing more technologically happening than this: 4 laptops and 1 router.

The best thing is Jeebs first time mix liqour for us, and that day he did "Cosmo" for us all. Its sort of like a mixture of smirnoff vodka, cointreau orangy, a hell lot of lemon and some expensive cranberries... The taste is good, not pungent and nice when down the throat..

Never see a bartender so happy before

That's about how I spent my 2009 New Year this year, no clubbing, no cyber, no nothing... Just budget celebration, and its not as bad as it seems. At least save some money at the start of the economy slowdown, heheh.