Friday, April 10, 2009

Transplant: Engine started...

Yay yay, the car started without any problem.... except for the radiator leakage which require the whole core to be tore down and service. Other than that the ignition was good, the idling was good and the air cond is working fine. Can't wait for it to release for a spin

Sweet dashboard, 4E dashboard looks dull compare to Deto, but then again you can't compare Japanese rice car against Italian design... Its like comparing MNG with LV, different class alltogether... Now I kinda miss the red Deto dashboard light... its so peacefully sinister

Not so sweet engine coz its more dirty than longkang... but overall the idling is great, air cond kicks in and pings out nicely with the rev stabilizing at 800 to 1000 rpm. Seen here is Shidi checking the air cond high pressure piping leakage, no leak observed.

Now lets hope its on the road next week... still has the intercooler, alarm, ICE and central locking to install...

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