The major impact will be my gourment style, I will have less chance to eat her great chai buey (菜尾). Her chai buey is one of the best I've eaten around, mainly coz she did not hold back on her ingredient and taruh it like it's New Year dish. No chai buey can come close to this and I think I will not have a chance to eat this anymore (unless her daughter or son manage to learn this around which I'm doubtful about)
Note : Chai buey is a soup dish made from all sorts of leftovers.
Then I will miss out a big portion of periodical festival foods like the CNY's cakes and biscuits she never fail to make annually.

Other than that, my mum will have 1 less place to hang out during her free time. Hope she won't use shopping to replace this void space.
Besides the food that I'm so selfishly missing, there's also a major change of interaction between me and my mother relative side as this aunt of mine serves as the public relation for my family towards the rest of the relatives. I foresee that in the future the bond will be also more severed and less communication in that sector. I guess not everything can be remain the same, hope her family will get over this and resume a more normal lifestyle soon.
There are many positive things from her which I don't think will mention it here as it's hard to express as it affects internal affair and involve extensive background understanding, most importantly, I believe she is happy for her 50 years of life.
Rest in peace 三姨.
Sorry for your aunt...
I'm lucky, my father can cook chai boey quite well! haha
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