Friday, October 06, 2006

Why so fat ?

Did a simple fat test on the web, looks like technically I should only be having 8% body fat inside me. Not sure if I should be happy or not cause reasonably I should be low risk in getting any cholesterol related disease but 8%?! We know blood consist of 7% of our total body, my fat is 8%, very close leh!!

Now I know I have 4.2kg of fat, that's alot man, it's like 4 small chicken inside me, as fat. Geli lohhhh, cannot imagine. I hope this test is faulty, so that it will spare my nightmare.

I hope I won't suffer from Anorexia Nervosa anytime soon. Now puasa somemore, great... more reason to fast.

Anyway you can try the test yourself here : Fat test


Anonymous said...

Oh, really!

Anonymous said...

Wei, that was body fat. And it doesn't mean u are fat laa.
Everybody shld maintain a normal body fat.
For Asian men, normal rate is 18% but you are currently lower than that.
You are below standard laa!!

Anonymous said...

Fat:36.25kg (29%-I'm carrying half of TibUn)
Bone,meat,water:88.75kg (71%)
Summary=Obese (ooh Yeah!)
Errmmm... so whats for dinner mate?