The theme is nice itself, what better way to show your patriotism than to participate in a national event itself (in this case a Merdeka buffet).
Environment : Have what a 3 stars hotel has, the coffee house actually located next to the lobby with maximum patrons of 70+. Lack of music to spice up the atmosphere.
Food : The most important part of the event, appetizer gives the range of salad, tofu, and seafood soup to start the day.

Main course consist of the controversial Nasi Hujan, steam dori, customized spagethi, Chicken grilled with sauce, satays with accessories, chopped grilled lamb and assortment vegetables to name a few. I am only impressed with the Nasi Hujan, colourful rice steam baked with cheese... ok, maybe not, nothing much in the main dish was savoury, and the Nasi hujan is just fried colourful rice.
Dessert consisted of lots of cakes with brownies topping the list, followed by cheese cake and few of the jellies and cream cup. Personally I think Secret Recipe did a better job at delivering cheese cakes and brownies....
But this is an entry-level buffet, we can't expect too much for just RM32 NETT. At least we have a special fruits bonanza thanks to David's short intimate moment with the chef. You rox!

Overall experience I give it a 5/10. Food can be made to look better and taste nicer.
its Malaysia 49th Merdeka
I officially considered the 61st Merdeka because the clock officially starts clicking after the fall of Nazi, which is 1945 : The end of world war 2.
Ohh... so this is where you have transfered ya blog...
(maybe you should start blogging too...-whisper-)Nah, make music better than blogging.
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